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The Pink Cloud App

Your ultimate ally in the quest to cut back on alcohol and embrace a healthier lifestyle! We offer a supportive community at your fingertips, evidence-backed tools that actually work, and a trove of resources customised just for you. We’re not just here to offer support; we’re here to empower you on your journey to improved health and well-being.

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The PinkCloud App is...


Say goodbye to feeling alone in your journey and hello to a vibrant community, cheering you on every step of the way. Connect with other women who share your goals and know the challenges on the path you are taking. At PinkCloud, support and community are just as important as personal growth!

Support Tools & Journalling

The only app of its kind on the market to track not just your cravings and behaviours, but also your mood and physical symptoms. It’s like having a personal journal that helps you decode your inner workings and unlock the keys to your own growth and progress.


Dive into a trove of knowledge and inspiration, whether you’re looking for some eye-opening articles, podcasts, thought- provoking books, or films, we’ve got you covered. From uncovering the effects of alcohol on your mental and physical well-being to exploring its profound impact on your relationships, you will have everything you need to support your journey.

The power to change your life


The Pink Cloud App, your trusted companion, will empower you on your transformative journey to redefine your relationship with alcohol. Experience enhanced wellbeing, increased self-confidence, and liberation from the grip of alcohol as we guide you towards a life filled with positivity, growth, and personal triumph. With unwavering support at every step, let us be by your side on this rewarding expedition towards a brighter future.

Support that is tailored to your needs


The Pink Cloud App provides personalized support to meet your unique needs. Gain insights into your moods, cravings, triggers, and drinking behaviors, and utilize this valuable information to tap into the support tools that are most likely to drive your success. With the Pink Cloud App, you can access tailored resources and guidance to help you on your journey towards a healthier lifestyle.

A letter from our founder

As a woman who has walked the challenging path of overcoming alcohol struggles, I’m on a mission to make the journey of recovery smoother for women of all walks of life.

Let’s face it, the road to recovery can be riddled with hurdles, and women often encounter more obstacles when seeking treatment. As a mum and an allied health professional, I’ve felt the weight of stigma and shame that often accompanies admitting a problem with alcohol. But I have refused to let that define me, and I want to help you on your journey to sobriety as well.

Driven by a determination to find solutions, I’ve spent years diving deep into research, trying every app, program, and strategy out there. The Pink Cloud app isn’t just another journaling or support app – it’s the culmination of my personal battles and triumphs as I fought to reclaim control over my life.

Now, armed with both personal experience and professional expertise, I’m uniquely positioned to offer something truly innovative. By pouring my heart and soul into this app, I aim to provide the kind of support I wish I’d had when I first started this journey. Together, let’s rewrite the narrative and help women everywhere find the strength to break free from the grips of alcohol and embrace a path to sobriety.


Our Community

Find free resources and information in our community area!

Alcohol and Anxiety

Alcohol and Anxiety

Hello friends! Today I want to dive into a topic that’s as complex as it is common: why do we reach for that glass of wine, or perhaps something stronger, when the weight of the world presses down on our shoulders? Join me in unpacking the science behind alcohol and...

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Nurturing the Soul

Nurturing the Soul

Hello friends!  As we continue our exploration of the transformative journey to recovery from alcohol, we now venture into the crucial territory of boundaries with family and friends. This intricate dance between connection and self-preservation is a cornerstone...

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Recovery Journey Inventory

Recovery Journey Inventory

Today I am offering you something authentic. Be warned that it is not a light read. It is the reality of what my recovery looks like. You could say I'm recovering from everything. I've been addicted to whatever I could get my hands on for an escape from reality since...

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  • Basic tracking
  • Daily support messages
  • Library of resources
  • Basic community access


$9.99per month

  • Detailed tracking with insights and suggested resources and support tools
  • Daily support messages
  • Unlimited access to library of resources
  • Full community access with option to participate in groups